The idea of my VFX project comes from Iranian protests in Iran against the current Rejim in Iran in general with focus on the protests against compulsory Hijab ruled by the Government and also the latest protest against the triple price on petrol in Iran that happened overnight and led to cruel treatment of the Rejim by killing people in streets and shutting down the internet for more than 2 weeks to prevent the news spread out all over the world.


The shot shows a picture of an Iranian girl who has taken her headscarf off  in a central street in Tehran and has put it on a stick to present her disagreement to the compulsory Hijab ruled by the Government. In the background there is a picture of that girl arrested by the Rejim and is taking away to the jail. Meanwhile there is a video played in the foreground. This is a shot showing an Iranian who is in need of being heard by the world, however, his/her mouth is shut by someone (the Iranian Rejim). The shot is played in Farsi but there is some text coming up the screen as a sum of what is happening in Iran.


I used online pictures and video, and I used Photoshop for editing the background picture in a few layers. Here are the screenshot I took in photoshop.

Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at 17.38.56.png


After exporting the background picture, I launched Nuke and I imported the video. I used Roto node to mask the grey background of the shot.

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I imported the picture that I had made in photoshop in the background, and as the video is in Farsi, to make it easier for the audience to understand what the shot is about I added some text including the subject matter of the shot.

Screen Shot 2019-12-03 at 18.43.29.png

I wanted my text to be animated as a write-on effect. for that, I added roto paint node and tried to paint through the text, which it didn’t let me do that for some reason. At first, I thought this is because I didn’t use a mouse on my mac for painting, however, it turned out that the problem was that my multiply node wasn’t connected to the right node before i added text to the video. this is my final node structure.

Screen Shot 2019-12-13 at 11.18.29.png

Then, I rendered the video by using write node and putting that to the bottom of my last nodes which is connected to the viewer as well, and I customised the frame range to the frames of 1-1784 which is the duration of my video.

Screen Shot 2019-12-13 at 12.18.32.png

Then, I imported my video in premiere to add the audio of my clip.

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